Un bel dì, vedremo ...

... E come sarà giunto

... un po' per celia ... e un po' per non morire

al primo incontro, ed egli alquanto in pena

chiamerà, chiamerà:

"Piccina mogliettina, olezzo di verbena,"

i nomi che mi dava al suo venire.

One fine day we'll notice ...

And when he's reached the summit ...

A bit to teaze him and a bit so as to not die

at our first meeting; and then, a little troubled

he will call, he will call:

The names he used to call me when he came here.

"Dear baby wife of mine, dear little orange blossom!"

*Piano vocal score, Italian, English (by Rosette Helen Elkin), William and Gayle Cook Music Library, Indiana University School of Music

“Quisquiliae” 21st century Dadaism:
Art and Design for All Possible Worlds

Madame Butterfly Diorama

This project is part of the “Quisquiliae” 21st century Dadaism: Art and Design for All Possible Worlds” project. Our artistic rule is that “more is more,” so We often add animation to the 2D and 3D works that We have made. The diorama is influenced by Puccini’s opera “Madama Butterfly,” a tragic story of a young naive geisha who is inexperienced in life and falls in love with an uncaring American naval officer. The figure with an origami kimono pattern represents Cio-Cio San (Butterfly) waiting for her husband “Pinkerton” to return after abandoning her for three years. This diorama captures the aria from Act 2 “Un bel dì, vedremo (One fine day we'll notice).” Although there are many visually “busy” trees surrounding her, there is also some hope beyond her horizon. This trash diorama portrays not only the undying love of Cio-Cio San waiting for “Pinkerton” but also the optimism of human beings trying to protect the earth, As the lyrics says, “One fine day we'll notice.”



All Quisquiliae Projects

Published on Nov 25, 2020 at 3:35 pm